Hazel Poa Koon Koon

Progress Singapore Party

Support Definition of Man-Woman Marriage

Protect Policies From LGBTQ+ Ideology

Support Freedom of Religion & Conscience

Never Attended
Pink Dot

Spoke About Harms of LGBTQ+ Ideology

* Where an individual PAP politician has not made any public statement relating to the above metrics, the PAP's party position score result is used for the individual politician’s scorecard.

2023: Proudly proclaimed attendance at and support for Pink Dot

I am happy to be here today at the Pink Dot event. I have attended previous Pink Dot events in the past in my personal capacity, but this is the first time I am here as a representative of PSP, together with other PSP members: Chika, Carrie, Jess, Jesse, Lun and Martin.I am happy to hear from the activists here that the repeal of 377A has made a difference to their efforts. The biggest challenge faced by the LGBTQ community, they tell me, is acceptance. And the repeal of 377A has made it easier for them to start the conversation.Legislation is far from a complete solution. My visit today has strengthened my belief that the path towards greater inclusivity and diversity need continued efforts from all of us in our different capacities.


2022: Voted against constitutional amendment to protect definition of marriage

Okay. As far as the vote for the constitutional amendment is concerned, we will be voting no, because of what I have explained earlier, that we would like the definition of marriage to be via referendum, rather than through Parliament.


2022: Supported the repeal of Section 377A

Eventually, recognising that 377A is unenforceable, some members were prepared to put aside their personal opinions and not pursue their objection to the repeal of 377A. With their compromise, PSP is now able to come to a party position of supporting the repeal of 377A.


2022: Said compromising on Section 377A a sign of maturity

In any society, contentious issues will always arise. Recognising that no one single person can have his way all the time and that taking turns to compromise is part and parcel of democracy, it is a sign of maturity. The willingness to compromise is not a sign of weakness, but instead one of maturity, resilience and community spirit.


2022: Suggested that the definition of marriage be decided by national referendum

Many Singaporeans are concerned about the effect such a repeal will have on the institution of marriage. PSP's position is that the definition of marriage should be decided via a national referendum rather than by Parliament. This will allow the many Singaporeans who have expressed concerns to have a say in this matter.


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