Chua Kheng Wee Louis

Sengkang GRC

Workers' Party

Support Definition of Man-Woman Marriage

Protect Policies From LGBTQ+ Ideology

Support Freedom of Religion & Conscience

Never Attended
Pink Dot

Spoke About Harms of LGBTQ+ Ideology

* Where an individual PAP politician has not made any public statement relating to the above metrics, the PAP's party position score result is used for the individual politician’s scorecard.

2024: Attended Pink Dot

WP MPs Jamus Lim, He Ting Ru and Louis Chua appeared at the event...

They declined to be interviewed by Mothership.

Score Before Pink Dot 2024

Star Rating
0.5 Stars
Support Definition of Man-Woman Marriage
Protect Policies From LGBTQ+ Ideology
Support Freedom of Religion and Conscience
Never Attended Pink Dot
Spoke About Harms of LGBTQ+ Ideology

2023: Attended Pink Dot

WP MPs He Ting Ru and Louis Chua were spotted at around 7pm.

They were present in their capacity as Workers' Party MPs. Both are also members of the party's central executive committee.

2022: Spoke in favour of companies starting LGBT groups and schools offering LGBT "counselling"

Having section 377A in our laws means that it is hard to organise support groups to help not just members of the gay community, which is who the laws target, but also the wider LGBTQ+ community, who face discrimination, bullying or mental struggles, just for being who they are.

Schools and companies may think twice about setting up official LGBTQ+ groups, or at least show overt support in counselling and supporting these individuals.

2022: Spoke in favour of workplaces promoting DEI, which promotes LGBT ideology

Many financial institutions encourage their employees to bring their true selves to work, because they believe that only then can they truly be engaged in what they do and fully develop their passions. Many banks see being open about being who you are can make for a more productive workforce. They have clear DEI – or diversity, equity and inclusion – talent policies. Incorporating DEI into business operations has proven to benefit companies' performance because it encourages a wider range of views and opinions among staff.

2022: Spoke against IMDA rating policy

After the Prime Minister's announcement at the National Day Rally, MCI said that media policies on homosexuality will remain, which means, as a Toy Story Fan who has enjoyed the entire Toy Story series since 1995, I cannot bring my children to watch Lightyear, a Pixar animated children's film due to "overt homosexual depictions", as though homosexuality is unspeakable and cannot be seen.

2022: Spoke in favour of LGBT ideology in schools

MOE said that the education curriculum will still be focused on what the majority of society supports, which is family, between a man and a woman. But at the same time, we need to be conscious of LGBTQ+ individuals being invisible in our curriculums.

2022: Spoke of "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" as legitimate identities

Every individual in Singapore should be able to contribute in their fullest capacity without fear of being discriminated against for who they are – be it over race, language, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity. Only then can Singapore be truly a global, cosmopolitan, harmonious home that we can all be proud of.

2022: Supported repeal of Section 377A

"For too long, the law has remained in our statutes, explicitly stating that sex between adult men is a crime, even if it is consensual and done in private."; "Retaining 377A also makes Singapore look anachronistic"; "Having section 377A made it challenging to convince prominent members of the LGBTQ+ community, Singaporean or otherwise in the arts, financial sector, tech and many other areas to remain in Singapore and make meaningful contributions to our society and economy."; "retaining a law that is not actively enforced or cannot be enforced sends a confusing signal on how one should comprehend Singapore's legal system"; "repealing section 377A does not mean discrimination towards the LGBTQ+ community disappears overnight"

2022: Supported constitutional amendment

"social acceptance is crucial to any landmark legal or constitutional changes, to maintain harmony and stability in society. As such, I do recognise the importance of the signal the new Article 156 sends, to provide greater protection for the definition of marriage and its related policies today";

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