Desmond Lee

West Coast GRC

People's Action Party

Support Definition of Man-Woman Marriage

Protect Policies From LGBTQ+ Ideology

Support Freedom of Religion & Conscience

Never Attended
Pink Dot

Spoke About Harms of LGBTQ+ Ideology

* Where an individual PAP politician has not made any public statement relating to the above metrics, the PAP's party position score result is used for the individual politician’s scorecard.

2019: Pushing for LGBTQ entitlements causes pushback

LGBT persons have a place here in Singapore and are entitled to their own private lives. Just like other Singaporeans, they have access to opportunities and social support such as education, employment, and healthcare, and should, like all Singaporeans, not be subject to prejudice and discrimination. However, we must be mindful that a push for rights and entitlements which broader society is not ready for, or able to accept, will provoke a pushback, and can be very socially divisive. A push to use legislation or the courts to precipitate social change involving issues as deeply-held and personal as this, polarises society.

2019: Ideal for children to be raised within a heterosexual marriage

While we recognise that there are increasingly diverse forms of families and households in Singapore, the prevailing social norm in our society is still that of a man and woman marrying, and having and bringing up children within a stable family unit. This is also the family structure that the Government encourages. Most of us would agree that it is ideal for children to grow up in families anchored by strong and stable marriages. This is reflected in the differentiation we maintain in policies and benefits to encourage and support parenthood within marriage.

2019: MSF does not support same-sex family formation

However, we do not support the formation of family units with children and homosexual parents, through institutions and processes, such as adoption.

Therefore, MSF did not support the appeal by the homosexual couple to adopt the child that they had conceived through surrogacy overseas, after they had been informed that the Government would not support the application to adopt the child because this would have been contrary to public policy.

2019: Court rules to award adoption to same-sex couple

In raising this objection, MSF had carefully considered the welfare of the boy. Two important aspects were considered. First, the child is not stateless, but is a citizen of the United States. Second, the child remains with the father and will be cared for. The father has full parental rights and responsibilities, even if the adoption was not granted. In fact, the Women’s Charter obliges parents to provide for their children, regardless of the children’s legitimacy status.

The High Court stated that they had reached their decision in this case “with not insignificant difficulty”. The Court affirmed the public policy against the formation of same-sex family units and recognised that granting the adoption would violate it. This was, however, weighed against the interest of the child’s welfare. Based on the specific facts of this case, the Court allowed the appeal to allow the child to be adopted. We respect and accept the Court’s decision.

2019:Government does not support use of Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) or surrogacy by singles

The Government does not encourage planned and deliberate single parenthood as a lifestyle choice. Hence, as a matter of public policy, we do not support the use of Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) or surrogacy by singles to conceive children and adopt them. We also do not support the formation of same-sex families through adoption.

2018: "Our children have to decide' what to do about 377A"

The panel moderator Eleanor Wong, an associate professor of law at the National University of Singapore, had raised the issue of Section 377A of the penal code, saying it acted like "prison gates" on the LGBT community, preventing them from being accepted by society.

Mr Lee said the issue is one that is deeply divisive and its resolution may reside in future generations.

After all, he added, Singapore society has already evolved and become more accepting of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community, and will likely continue to evolve further.

"In issues such as this - fraught with emotion, personal values, very contrasting visions of what the future will look like - the dialogue must continue, be robust and respectful. Our children must decide for themselves."

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