Lawrence Wong

Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC

People's Action Party

Support Definition of Man-Woman Marriage

Protect Policies From LGBTQ+ Ideology

Support Freedom of Religion & Conscience

Never Attended
Pink Dot

Spoke About Harms of LGBTQ+ Ideology

* Where an individual PAP politician has not made any public statement relating to the above metrics, the PAP's party position score result is used for the individual politician’s scorecard.

2022: Supported the repeal of Section 377A

I think it's also important for us to understand why we should not just allow this decision to be made by the courts. the court process is by nature an adversarial one. Any court judgment will lead to a win-lose outcome for the parties involved. And such an outcome will divide and polarize our society further...

At the same time, attitudes continue to evolve especially amongst younger Singaporeans who are more accepting of LGBT persons. And even amongst those who would like to retain 377a, as PM said yesterday, most do not want to see it actively enforced with criminal penalties, because they recognize that a person's sexual orientation and behaviour is private and personal and should not become a criminal offence. So the repeal of 377a is what we are trying to do in a very careful and controlled manner will reflect these societal attitudes.

2022: Repeal of Section 377A should not be decided by referendum

The constitution states that a referendum is required only when sovereignty is at stake... and repealing 377a is very far from reaching this bar because we are repealing a law which the courts have already said we cannot enforce.

2022: The PAP defines marriage as between man and woman

The government will continue to uphold our family-centred policies. We are fully committed to that, and we will continue to uphold marriage as defined as between men and women. Pm himself said this very clearly in his speech. The PAP government will not change the current definition of marriage. So this will not change. this will not happen under the watch of the current prime minister, and it will not happen under my watch.

2022: Social norms will not change with the repeal of Section 377A

If the PAP were to win the next general election, likewise we will not change the laws and policies that rely on this definition of marriage. and that relates to how public housing, adoption, how we what we teach our children in schools, advertising standards, film classification and so on. basically the overall tone of our society will not change. our laws and policies will remain the same.

2022: Government will take action against religious discrimination

Some have given us feedback that they have been subject to discrimination or even being harassed when they speak out and when they practice their faith and beliefs. We are monitoring this very closely, and we will take action and take steps against any such acts of discrimination or harassment. there is no place for such behaviours in Singapore. no one should feel threatened because of their religious affiliation. no one should feel threatened because they are LGBT.

2022: Civil unions will not be recognised

Reporter: While the current definition of marriage will be protected by the Constitution, what will the government's response be if the LGBTQ community starts advocating for other legal recognition of committed relationships such as civil unions?

Lawrence Wong: As I mentioned just now, we are committed to ensuring that our current family and social norms remain the same, so we do not have any plans to go further.

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