Lim Biow Chuan

Mountbatten SMC

People's Action Party

Support Definition of Man-Woman Marriage

Protect Policies From LGBTQ+ Ideology

Support Freedom of Religion & Conscience

Never Attended
Pink Dot

Spoke About Harms of LGBTQ+ Ideology

* Where an individual PAP politician has not made any public statement relating to the above metrics, the PAP's party position score result is used for the individual politician’s scorecard.

2022: Expressed concern about declining family values due to repeal

Thus, 15 years later, when Prime Minister Lee made his announcement during the National Day Rally in August that the Government intends to repeal section 377A of the Penal Code, I was taken aback. What is the intended signal by the Government when it announced its intention to repeal this law? How do we explain to the many Singaporeans who are still pro-family and worried about the decline in family values?

2022: It appears that LGBT activism has changed society's standards

While some expressed concern about the open expression of homosexual relationship like hands holding and public kissing, they felt that there is no need to make this behaviour a criminal offence. Hence, it appears that the advocacy by the homosexual community over the years has made our citizens more accepting of gay people.

2022: Supported the constitutional amendment

Sir, I am also heartened by the commitment made by Prime Minister Lee and Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong that there will not be any change in the definition of marriage during their watch.

2022: Expressed concern about harassment for disagreeing with LGBTQ ideology

But the message that I heard from many Singaporeans is that we need to protect marriage as a union between man and woman, that we need to support values that promote the role of the family as the basic building block of society, that we need to protect Singaporeans from being intimidated or harassed simply because they disagree with the lifestyle of the gay community.

2022: Expressed concern about loss of freedom of religion

Many within the religious community are also concerned whether the repeal of section 377A would lead to a situation whereby the religious leaders cannot tell their congregation that they do not agree with the practice of homosexuality. The religious leaders are concerned that they cannot pray for someone who is homosexual to reflect on God's command. In other words, the religious leaders lose their freedom to preach on what is acceptable or wrong based on their faith. And that is their concern.

2022: Expressed concern about ostracism and condemnation for disagreeing with LGBTQ ideology

There are many who expressed concern about the intolerant views of some gays who attack anyone who disagree with their homosexual views. There are fears about the activism of some of the LGBT community who push their ideology that their world view should be seen as the norm and acceptable. Therefore, anyone who disagrees with their world view should be condemned and ostracised.

In Australia, when the Government held a postal ballot on same-sex marriage, it resulted in vitriolic abuse against people holding views in opposition to the legalisation of same-sex marriage. An Australian politician said, "A culture has developed whereby it is acceptable to vilify, mock, abuse and shame anyone who stands in the way, or even raises questions, about whether we should legalise same-sex marriage. I have been called a homophobe, a bigot and been told that my views are disgusting." So, said the Australian politician. And when such strong and intimidating language is used, it is impossible to hold a civil debate or respectful discussion about any topic regarding the gay community.

2022: Expressed concern that pro-family movements get cancelled for resisting LGBTQ ideology

Sir, I met with the organisers of the Protect Singapore Townhall. They told me that their townhall meeting was almost cancelled because of complaints and threats by the gay community. They complain that the minority in the gay movement are refusing to allow anyone to have a conversation about their concerns regarding homosexuality.

2022: Expressed concern that workplaces harass employees who do not support LGBTQ ideology

Sir, I have also received feedback that employees in international organisations or MNCs located within Singapore, they are harassed in their workplace if they do not support the gay beliefs or if they refuse to attend a pride event. Thus, it seems like there is a reversal of role. It is not the gays who are being discriminated in Singapore. On the contrary, if you do not agree with the pro-gay movement, you may be penalised at work or face discrimination.

2022: Expressed concern that international school students are taught LGBTQ ideology

And likewise, for students studying in international schools, they are asked to take part in gay-themed projects as if it was part and parcel of the school curriculum.

2022: Suggested that the government ensure companies and schools do not enforce LGBTQ ideology

I urge the Government to look into this and ensure that no organisation, company or school in Singapore can compel their staff or students to participate in gay community projects if they do not subscribe to the same values. I submit that every organisation, company or school must have the scope to allow their employees or students to subscribe to different views on sexuality without being discriminated or having to receive hate mail.

2022: Suggested laws to prevent hate speech and bullying

I also urge the Government to consider legislation to make it an offence for anyone to put out hate messages or derogatory comments just purely to intimidate others into keeping silent. And this law should apply equally to those who are anti-gay and those gays who seek to bully others into silent submission.

2020: Asked whether the government would train mental healthcare personnel in LGBTQ-related issues

Next cut, which was initially directed to MSF. WHO suggests that the LGBTQ+ community should be considered as a vulnerable group in mental healthcare, with the double stigma of homophobia and seeking help for mental health issues...

Would the Ministry consider adopting a whole-of-Government approach in ensuring that personnel working in mental healthcare, including those within community settings, are trained and competent in LGBTQ-related issues?

2020: Suggested implementing "diversity officers" in healthcare and social services

Diversity officers supporting minorities is a common practice in the business sector. Would the Ministry consider appointing diversity officers, sited within respective agencies, across the healthcare and social services sectors? They can serve as a resource for professionals to tap on to better understand LGBTQ-related issues, help to develop competencies in serving LGBTQ individuals and ensure dissemination of LGBTQ-specific resources.

2014: Spoke against unclear information on HPB website

Mountbatten MP Lim Biow Chuan yesterday hit out at one of the responses, which said homosexual and heterosexual relationships are not too different. Writing on his Facebook page, he said: “I cannot agree that ‘A same-sex relationship is not too different from a heterosexual relationship’. The two relationships are different and they go against the Government’s policy of promoting heterosexual married couples to have healthy relationships and to build stable nuclear and extended family units.

“I am utterly disappointed at the HPB’s stand in issuing such a statement,” said Mr Lim, who has also filed a question asking the Health Minister to clarify his ministry’s stand on the board’s online resource when Parliament next sits on Feb 17.

The FAQ section, which HPB said had been developed with input from professional counsellors, was one of its initiatives to “educate youths on sexually-transmitted diseases”.

The resource started making its rounds online after generating positive buzz for the answers to topics such as homosexuality. However, it has since triggered a debate, culminating in a petition started on Monday against the board’s posting and which called for the Health Minister to conduct a “thorough, non-biased, comprehensive review” of the “one-sided” and “pro-homosexuality” information.

2014: Supported definition of marriage

I am glad to hear the affirmation of the policy. As a concerned parent, it is critical that there is no change to the existing policy of encouraging heterosexual married couples to have healthy relationships and to build a stable family unit.

2014: Expressed disagreement with homosexual lifestyle

I have friends who are openly gay. I do not hate them, condemn them or call them names. These friends are reasonable people and I have no issue meeting them socially. But I do not agree with the practice of homosexuality. It is my personal belief and that would not change regardless of the hate mail which I have received. My friends who are gay know my belief. They accept that they won’t change me. We remain friends.

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